Book description
The time is the 230th century A. D. Humankind has traveled to the very edge of the physical Universe and colonized billions of planets in untold galaxies. However, historians have made ominous predictions that the end of human civilization is at hand. What’s more, there have been troubling cosmic events at the periphery of the Universe-Sphere. Intergalactic travel has been disrupted by as-yet unidentified pockets of anti-matter, which have swallowed a number of star liners. One woman, Anita Falcon Bell, an historian and a member of the Great League of Worlds Governing Council who has made her own startling predictions about the fate of the human race, has begun to receive unusual mental messages related to human history. The images depict scenes from the age of the ancient Brahmins, Alexander the Great, Jesus, Columbus , the beginning of space travel, the discovery of warp drive through hyperspace, the founding of the League, and other events. It becomes clear to her that the messages are being sent by beings from a higher level of the Great Double Helix, the infinite cosmic array of matter and energy of which the Universe populated by humans is a small part. In the ultimate scale of things, the end of human civilization is really the necessary basis for a new beginning, life beyond the limits of the human. Professor Bell, her boyfriend Michael Frost, the best pilot in the Star Fleet, Nutu the Manassian dwarf, and his mentor Meslin – both of whom possess extraordinary mental powers – all try to unravel the mystery of Anita’s dreams and visions, and later they do everything in their power to halt the incursion of forces from the Mirror Helix. Constantly tracked by the Intergalactic Security Force, Manassian Destroyers, and the ruthless, avaricious Galaxy Energy Corporation, aided by Shimmering Ascent, an emissary from the astral order of Prefects, the four overcome obstacle after obstacle in their efforts to get at the truth behind Anita’s dreams and visions. When Anita and Michael enter the Tunnel of Light and Nutu and Meslin descend to the Universe-model hidden deep beneath the Temple at Karnak , they finally achieve their goal. On the verge of apocalyptic catastrophe, humankind finally unleashes the amazing mental powers at its disposal, thus preparing the way for its transformation into higher beings among the astral Prefects.