Potencies (attenuations) in verbal homeopathy are the same as those used in traditional homeopathy. The C symbol stands for Сentum – one hundred, M for Mille – one thousand, and D – Decimal for ten. For further details, refer to the chapter entitled The More Attenuated, the More Powerful.

Quantum satis potentia

D3 – decimal attenuation, very low potency. Its effect is mainly on the physical body. It can be used in verbal homeopathy and has a very good effect when quick results are wanted in acute cases.

D6 – decimal attenuation, low potency. Its effect is on the physical body. It can be used in verbal homeopathy and has a very good effect on the physical body when quick results are wanted in acute cases.

D12 – decimal attenuation, low potency, related to 6C but has a very different effect. Its effect is mainly on the physical body.

5C – centesimal attenuation, very low potency that has a weak effect and its impact is mainly on the physical body. In homeopathy (nonverbal), these are dangerous attenuations because molecules from the original substance still exist in them. In prolonged administration, these remedies lead to severe homeopathic crises and complication of symptoms. A permanent worsening may occur. This is particularly true of remedies such as: Tuberculinum, Sulfur, Hepar sulfur, Mercurius solubilis, Pulsatilla, Silicea, Thuya. Which is why one should be very careful when working with them.

9C – centesimal attenuation, again low potency with a tendency to medium level in some homeopathic schools. It works very well, again mainly at the physical level. This attenuation is much safer for prolonged administration than the 5C attenuation, but should still be taken very carefully.

15C – centesimal attenuation, medium potency in some homeopathic schools. It has a good effect at the physical level, including on earlier diseases that have certain emotional components. Homeopathic crises are possible, just like in any other homeopathic remedy.

305C – centesimal attenuation, high potency in some homeopathic schools. Works well at both the physical and the emotional levels.

200C – centesimal attenuation, medium potency in some homeopathic schools. It has an exceptionally good effect on both the physical body and on a wide range of emotional states.

1M = 1000C – attenuation of 1:1,000, medium to high potency in some homeopathic schools. It has an exceptionally good effect on both the physical body and on a wide range of emotional states of chronic character.

10М = 10,000С – attenuation of 1:1,000, high potency having exceptional effectiveness. Incomparable with lower attenuations for acute cases. It has a very good effect in chronic diseases at both the physical and emotional level.

50М = 50,000С – attenuation of 1:5,000, high potency, comparable to 10M. The difference is insubstantial.

CМ = 100,000С – attenuation of 1:10,000, very high potency. It affects the human organism at a very deep level.

ММ = 1,000,000С, a potency only attainable by radionic machines. The effect is strong and profound in every respect.

100CМ = 10,000,000С = 10,000M, a potency only attainable by radionic machines. The effect is exceptionally strong in any type of condition, both acute and chronic. The impact is very deep.

МММ – 1,000,000,000С and so on.

From this point onwards, everyone can decide for themselves how high an attenuation they need depending on their condition.

Our observations have reached 12 times M – MMMMMM MMMMMM. In these, the impact is truly impressive, especially in mild and moderate chronic conditions, when taken every day. It is a good supporting and parallel therapy in more complicated conditions. You can use them both as verbal complexes and as verbal monopreparations. Of course, everyone is free to continue diluting them verbally and to study their healing effects.


Thanks to an innovation shared by Dr. Ilina Zagorska, we now have a new potency that largely solves the complications arising from choosing the most suitable attenuation, namely the quantum satis potentia – “as much potency as needed”. Dr. Zagorska has applied it and has practically created it, for which I am deeply grateful.

“Quantum satis” is a Latin sentence that has a strong information field. This expression, which translates as “As much is necessary”, individualizes the homeopathic remedy and enables a more precise and individual effect – and here you can even pronounce the person’s name.

This expression has been used in pharmacy for many years and it has its field structure in space. This is what makes it suitable to apply and it works exceptionally well.

For example, if you want to make one or several preparations in a complex, so that you can have an effect on certain factors, you can speak the following to the water:

Ignatia amara quantum satis potentia, [person’s name]. This is pronounced as follows: [Ignatsia amara kvantum satis potentsia] [person’s name]. This is the name for Nux Vomica – strychnine tree.

It is indicated for hypersensitivity to emotions and grief, loss of a loved one, consequences of emotional shock (love, social, financial); for susceptible and shy people; for crying which dramatically changes into laughter; frequent deep sighs, spasmodic yawns, sensation of having a ball in the throat, twitching on the face and lower limbs, emotional tachycardia; reactive, depressive symptoms.

The complexes described here can all be prepared using this phrase – by saying “quantum satis potentia”, followed by the person’s name, after the name of each remedy.

April 25, 2018

Posted inThe Method

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